Eliezer David Urtecho Bonilla,
Grace Baptist Church
My name is Eliezer David Urtecho Bonilla. I was born on July 25, 1985, in a Christian home. I have two younger sisters. I believed in Jesus as my Savior in 1999. I graduated from the University (UENIC) in 2009 Computer Systems Engineering. I obtained my bachelor's degree in Theology from the Biblical Institute of International Baptist Mission in 2012. I am currently studying my third year of an English course at the University. I got married in 2007. My wife's María del Rosario Monjarrez Puerto. She is Project 14 Accountant. We started in the Baptist Church in 2008, studying in different ministries of the churches in Diriamba and Jinotepe.
We started our ministry with Mission Evangelism Incorporated (MEI) in 2014, before Project 14 Global Missions (P14) made the decision to work with MEI, supporting the Victory Baptist Church (MEI) while Pastor Estuar Alemán recovered from a health problem.
After a year and a half, the Lord sent us to Grace Baptist Church for 3 months, which was without a pastor for a long time. Later God began to reaffirm his work and the church, began to provide a livelihood of 100 dollars per month. In addition, Brother Ken McCoy invited me to work with P14 in the administrative area of the campus for a part time along with my wife. In the church, God has supported the ministry and many of the brothers have returned to the church. New souls have put their faith in Christ as savior and in this time, 10 people were baptize in November 2017. So far, in 2018, 8 people have believed in Christ as savior and 4 people restored their relationship with the Lord.
The current membership of the Church is 45 people. We have an average attendance per service of 40 adults and 20 children.
If support for a pastor substantially exceeds the monthly goal, excess funds may be redirected to another deserving need